Navigating the Global Energy Revolutions is an interdisciplinary seminar for incoming Occidental College students. This course explores the complex interplay between politics, economics, and the energy sector as nations and regions transition toward sustainable and renewable power sources. We will explore the history and evolution of global energy systems; the role of state and markets in shaping energy policy; technological innovation and its impact on energy transitions; the geopolitics of energy; and the environmental and social implications of energy transitions. Students will develop critical thinking and writing skills while examining the historical, social, and geopolitical factors shaping energy policy and driving new energy technologies' development and adoption. Open only to first-year frosh

This seminar has two goals.

The first goal is to to equip students with a nuanced understanding of the intricate connections between politics, economics, and the energy sector in the context of the global shift toward renewable energy. By delving into the history and evolution of energy systems, analyzing the roles of states and markets in framing energy policies, assessing technological advancements, and understanding the geopolitical and socio-environmental facets of energy transitions, students will hone their critical thinking and writing capabilities. Through this interdisciplinary lens, participants will gain insights into the multifaceted forces influencing energy policy formulation and the proliferation of emerging energy technologies.
The second (and possibly more important) goal of the seminar is to help first-year students adjust to college-level writing expectations, improve your abilities in writing expository essays, develop skills in expressing critical analysis, find and evaluate academic sources, and communicate your thoughts to an audience. Additionally, we will take some time to ensure you are making a smooth transition to college and introduce you to various resources available at Oxy.